PostgreSQL is case-sensitive by default. This is frustrating for everyone that was used to SQL Server with the 'Latin1_General_CI_AS' (case-insensitive) collation on the database level.

Case-insensitive collation in EF Core

Lets define a case-insensitive PostgreSQL collation in Entity Framework Core and configure all string properties (columns) to be case-insensitive by default:

// ApplicationDbContext

protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
    modelBuilder.HasCollation(schema: "public", name: "case_insensitive", locale: "und-u-ks-level2", provider: "icu", deterministic: false);

protected override void ConfigureConventions(ModelConfigurationBuilder configurationBuilder)

With that, queries with the equality operator are now case-insensitive.

applicationDbContext.Users.Where(x => x.Email == "TEST@MAIL.COM");

Case-insensitive LIKE operator

When performing a search with the LIKE operator on a 'text' or 'varying character' column with a case-insensitive collation, we will get an error saying 'nondeterministic collations are not supported for LIKE'.

Luckily when using Entity Framework Core there is an easy and convenient solution to all of this. It's called interceptors! Namely IQueryExpressionInterceptor.

using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Diagnostics;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq.Expressions;
using System.Reflection;

public sealed class CaseInsensitiveQueryExpressionTransformer : IQueryExpressionInterceptor
    private static readonly ExpressionVisitor[] _transformers = [
        new StringMethodTransformer(),

    public Expression QueryCompilationStarting(Expression queryExpression, QueryExpressionEventData eventData)
        foreach (var transformer in _transformers)
            queryExpression = transformer.Visit(queryExpression);
        return queryExpression;

    // We want to transform string comparison methods to be case insensitive.
    // From:
    // .Where(x => x.Name.IndexOf(searchTerm) > 0)
    // --WHERE strpos(p."Name", 'csharp') > 0
    // To:
    // .Where(x => EF.Functions.Collate(x.Name.ToLower(), "default").IndexOf(searchTerm.ToLower()) > 0)
    // --WHERE strpos(LOWER(p."Name") COLLATE "default", LOWER(@searchTerm)) > 0
    private sealed class StringMethodTransformer : ExpressionVisitor
        private static readonly string _defaultCollation = "default";

        private static readonly MethodInfo _indexOfCharMethod = typeof(string).GetRuntimeMethod(nameof(string.IndexOf), [typeof(char)])!;
        private static readonly MethodInfo _indexOfStringMethod = typeof(string).GetRuntimeMethod(nameof(string.IndexOf), [typeof(string)])!;
        private static readonly MethodInfo _startsWithStringMethod = typeof(string).GetRuntimeMethod(nameof(string.StartsWith), [typeof(string)])!;
        private static readonly MethodInfo _endsWithStringMethod = typeof(string).GetRuntimeMethod(nameof(string.EndsWith), [typeof(string)])!;
        private static readonly MethodInfo _containsStringMethod = typeof(string).GetRuntimeMethod(nameof(string.Contains), [typeof(string)])!;
        private static readonly MethodInfo _replaceCharMethod = typeof(string).GetRuntimeMethod(nameof(string.Replace), [typeof(char), typeof(char)])!;
        private static readonly MethodInfo _replaceStringMethod = typeof(string).GetRuntimeMethod(nameof(string.Replace), [typeof(string), typeof(string)])!;

        private static readonly MethodInfo _charToStringMethod = typeof(char).GetRuntimeMethod(nameof(char.ToString), [])!;
        private static readonly MethodInfo _stringToLowerMethod = typeof(string).GetRuntimeMethod(nameof(string.ToLower), [])!;
        private static readonly MethodInfo _collateMethod = typeof(RelationalDbFunctionsExtensions).GetMethod(nameof(RelationalDbFunctionsExtensions.Collate))!;

        protected override Expression VisitMethodCall(MethodCallExpression node)
            var method = node.Method;

            if (method == _indexOfCharMethod)
                var target = node.Object!;
                var argument = CharToString(node.Arguments[0]);
                node = Transform(_indexOfCharMethod, target, argument);
            else if (method == _indexOfStringMethod)
                var target = node.Object!;
                var argument = node.Arguments[0];
                node = Transform(_indexOfStringMethod, target, argument);
            if (method == _startsWithStringMethod)
                var target = node.Object!;
                var argument = node.Arguments[0];
                node = Transform(_startsWithStringMethod, target, argument);
            else if (method == _endsWithStringMethod)
                var target = node.Object!;
                var argument = node.Arguments[0];
                node = Transform(_endsWithStringMethod, target, argument);
            else if (method == _containsStringMethod)
                var target = node.Object!;
                var argument = node.Arguments[0];
                node = Transform(_containsStringMethod, target, argument);
            else if (method == _replaceCharMethod)
                var target = node.Object!;
                var argument1 = node.Arguments[0];
                var argument2 = node.Arguments[1];
                node = Transform(_replaceCharMethod, target, argument1, argument2);
            else if (method == _replaceStringMethod)
                var target = node.Object!;
                var argument1 = node.Arguments[0];
                var argument2 = node.Arguments[1];
                node = Transform(_replaceStringMethod, target, argument1, argument2);

            return base.VisitMethodCall(node);

        private static MethodCallExpression Transform(
            MethodInfo targetMethod, Expression target, params Expression[] arguments)
            var targetToLower = ToLower(target);
            var targetCollate = Collate(targetToLower);

            var finalArguments = new List<Expression>(arguments.Length);
            foreach (var argument in arguments)

            return Expression.Call(targetCollate, targetMethod, finalArguments);

        private static MethodCallExpression ToLower(Expression target) =>
            Expression.Call(target, _stringToLowerMethod);

        private static MethodCallExpression CharToString(Expression target) =>
            Expression.Call(target, _charToStringMethod);

        private static MethodCallExpression Collate(Expression target) =>

Now just register the interceptor on startup.

services.AddDbContext<ApplicationDbContext>(builder =>
    builder.AddInterceptors(new CaseInsensitiveQueryExpressionTransformer());

That's it! Every query that goes through the EF Core pipline, will now get automatically transformed to a case-insensitive query.

Obviously the additional applied operators 'lower()' will decrease performance and interfere with column indexes (sequential scan). So let's not use this on hot-paths 😉