Options pattern and configuration explained in .NET and C#
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How does ASP.NET Core authentication works with external providers like Google, Facebook, etc.
What is the purpose of ValueTask vs Task in .NET and C#
What are the equivalent in JavaScript of async, await, Task, CancellationToken, CancellationTokenSource in C#
How to use Entity Framework Core migrations with an already existing database.
How to use union types in C# to create typesafe and more expressive return types.
Provide Promise based API to every legacy callback based function.
What is the difference between Angular Structural directive and Attribute directive.
What is the Angular microsyntax. Explains the Angular micro syntax and it's relation to structural directives and ng-template's in details.
How to lazy load / import an ES Module in Angular for faster App loads while keeping type safety.
Easily setup Node JS on a Windows Server with Internet Information Services (called IIS)